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Hitachi Medical Systems, !NEW! Oasis is the most powerful patient-friendly whole body high field ope
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главная / каталог / томография / магниторезонансные томографы... / магнито-резонансные томографы... / oasis 1.2 tesla hitachi medical systems,...

OASIS 1.2 Tesla Hitachi Medical Systems, !NEW! Oasis is the most powerful patient-friendly whole body high field open MRI system.The unique two pillar asymmetric gantry design provides the best patient experience in terms of MRI comfort. The vertical fiel

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OASIS 1.2 Tesla Hitachi Medical Systems, !NEW! Oasis is the most powerful patient-friendly whole body high field open MRI system.The unique two pillar asymmetric gantry design provides the best patient experience in terms of MRI comfort. The vertical fiel

OASIS 1.2 Tesla Hitachi Medical Systems, !NEW! Oasis is the most powerful patient-friendly whole body high field open MRI system.The unique two pillar asymmetric gantry design provides the best patient experience in terms of MRI comfort. The vertical fiel

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